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Friday, 23 May 2014

Contoh RPP Bahasa Inggris

Education Units                : Elementary school of …
Class/ Semester               : V/ 1
Subject                            : Social Sciences
Allocation of Time            : 4 x 35 minutes

Standard Competences
Appreciate the heritage and history of the national figures in the Hindu, Buddhist and Islam, diversity, natural features, and ethnicity as well as economic activities in Indonesia

Basic Competences
Understanding the diversity of natural features and man-made as well as the division of time in Indonesia by using map/atlas/globe and other media

1. Identify the characteristics of natural features of Indonesia
2. Draw a map of Indonesia by using symbols

Learning Purposed
1. Through image matching students to identify the characteristics of natural features Indonesian territory properly.
2. Through the students can see an example of the map to draw a map of Indonesia by using the appropriate symbols.
3. Character to be achieved:- responsibilities, accuracy, cooperation

- The characteristics of a good map
- Symbols in the map
- The natural appearance of Indonesia

Learning Methods
- Demonstration
- Questions and answers
- Discussion Group

Learning Steps
Introduction (5 minutes)
a. Prayer and Presence
b. Teachers deliver the learning objectives to be achieved
c. apperceptionStudents sang "From Sabang until Merauke"
d. Teacher explains the steps of learning that will be given to students
e. Teachers to motivate students to follow the spirit of learning
2. Core activity (60 minutes)
a. Exploration (5 minutes)
1. Students name the five major islands in Indonesia
2. Students are given a variety of symbols in a map that has been learned in grade 4.
3. Some students come to the front to answer questions given by the teacher.
b. Elaboration (45 minutes)
1. Students match the picture with the caption map symbols to compose a simple legend.
2. Students form groups of 5-6 people to complete the worksheet provided by the teacher.
3. Students discuss with group members to comment on Indonesia map image provided by the teacher with respect to the components that must be owned by the map.
4. Students understand the natural features in Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua
5. Students present the results of discussions in class6. Students respond to a friend reply
c. Confirmation (5 minutes)
1. Students conclude the lesson with the teacher
2. Teachers give students the opportunity to ask the things that are less obvious
3. Teachers reward (reward) to students who excel
3. Closing (10 minutes)
Guru memberikan penilaian terhadap hasil pembelajaran dan hasil diskusi
Guru memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran
Guru memberi tugas menggambar peta Indonesia kepada siswa

References and Media
Susilaningsih, Endang. 2008. Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial untuk SD/MI Kelas 5. Jakarta: Aneka Ilmu.
“Fokus” Buku Ajar Acuan Pengayaan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial untuk SD/MI Kelas V.


1. Test procedures : Pos test
2. Type of test   : Test
3. Form tests      : Short answer
4. Test instrument : Worksheet

Pati, 17 Juni 2013
Headmaster                                                                             Teacher

Hamidulloh Ibda                                                                         Dian Marta Wijayanti
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